The Breakfast/ Lunch Diner is strategically located on the South Shore in a busy residential/ industrial community just minutes from Rt. 24. It is part of a well-kept small strip mall with plenty of parking. This is a Diner laid out the old-fashioned way” where the counter guests can watch the cook do his/ her magic on the expansive flat grille. The seating of 49 is just right size and has a busy take out/grab-and-go area. It’s definitely like a “Cheers Restaurant” setting where everyone knows your name!! The current working owners are retiring after many years of serving the community.
What’s the BONUS?? This Diner is an end cap so it has a busy drive up/ take out window. What a great amenity!! A large baking oven in the back kitchen allows many baking opportunities – how about homemade seasonal pies?
You can run this Diner with few employees making it extremely profitable.
Imagine, you can make your investment back in 1 year. Bring your enthusiasm and new marketing ideas— easy to bring this to the next level. This won’t last— contact us today!!